Evaluation Impact

During the session, 16 fathers were given Evaluation Impact Sheets to complete for the year. Here are some of the comments mentioned by a few fathers, and more are available on requestDuring the session, 16 fathers were given Evaluation Impact Sheets to complete for the year. Here are some of the comments mentioned by a few fathers, and more are available on request. Please see the following comments: - . Please see the following comments: -

Thank you for attending the father’s group session over the recent months. Please tell us why you have decided to Join the group?

10 fathers commented, “I came to learn new skills and made new friends”. “To get more skills as a father”. “To get more help”. “To increase my knowledge and CV build”. “To learn new things and make most of my days off from work”. “To learn new things which was very good”.

In what ways has the group helped you/or not with your children and families?

10 fathers commented, “It has helped me to look after children and respect my nephew and nieces and control my frustration with them”. “Each time I am dealing with my children, I tried to use my new skill”. “I learned how to deal with things in my life”. “I am more positive towards my family”. “I gained more knowledge and made me feel more comfortable with people around me”. “I learned how to handle things very good”.

In what ways has the group helped you/or not with your children and families?

10 fathers commented, “It has helped me to look after children and respect my nephew and nieces and control my frustration with them”. “Each time I am dealing with my children, I tried to use my new skill”. “I learned how to deal with things in my life”. “I am more positive towards my family”. “I gained more knowledge and made me feel more comfortable with people around me”. “I learned how to handle things very good”.

Was there any specific concern regarding your children’s behaviour that you have resolved as a result of attending the father’s group?

10 fathers commented, “It has helped me to help them out and respect their feelings”. “None”. “To be more caring”. “To Communication with children”. “No”.

Please can you tell us how/if the father’s group training has changed your home life, your relationship with your children or family, your children’s behaviour or made things work better in general for you?

10 fathers commented, “Yes for the good”. “Makes me want to work with kids in the future and made me more sociable in general”. “Yes, a lot more positive mainly negotiation”. ” I learnt new things and the way to go forward”. “Talking nicely and change negative behaviour”. “It has changed me a lot and taught me to respect others around me”.

In what ways has the father’s group training helped you?

10 fathers commented, “It showed me how to teach my nephew and niece”. ” I learned to calm and to use suitable language”. “I learn how to be a good father”. “To be more friendly”. “I received advice on certain topics, third week here”. “I learnt new things”.

Have you found work or are you looking for work?

10 fathers commented, “Yes”. “Looking for work”. “I am already working”. “I am off sick”. “Yes, I am doing 16 hours a week as a community service”. “I am looking for paid work, part-time or full-time”.

Do you require any additional support, if so how may we help you?

10 fathers commented, “I require support in looking for work”. “Yes I do”. “None”. “More practical work needed instead of theory”. “Help in gaining recognised qualification to get a better Job”. “None”.

Are there any concerns regarding the father’s group that you would like to share?

10 fathers commented, “Yes”. “No”. “Slide shows and practical work”. “None”. “Keep on doing”. “I would like to share past experience with other fathers”.

If you feel the course could have helped you in other ways, please tell us how?

10 fathers commented, “It has helped a lot and I look forward in seeing more in future”. “It’s okay, keep on doing”. “In all sorts of different situation”. “More classes instead of one a week”. “May be more longer hours”. “Good”.

In total, over 300 fathers have registered and attended the Nursery Schools and Children Centres.